Assessment and certification
Assessment and evaluation is crucial for learning. Setting new targets and continuous improvement of the existing targets are only possible with a good assessment and evaluation. Students are subjected to certain tests in each level in Turkish School, and according to the results of these tests they pass the next level after they reach the desired level. Placement tests and unit final exams in each unit enable student to enhance and to test what they have learnt.
Common European Framework of Reference for Language
Common European Framework of Reference for Language is important for grading the language teaching around specific objectives and standardization. According to these language criteria, language learning is discussed in six levels including A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. Each level consists of various objectives related to language skills, and certain behavior expected from students.
The content of Turkish School is created considering Common European Framework of Reference for Language, and we intend the users to learn the language within the frame of these criteria.
Students will reach a language sufficiency at the end of the activities prepared for each unit and they will find an opportunity to practice the language skills expected from them.
Placement Tests
First of all, users are supposed to determine their levels in order to use the content of Turkish School and to get an education in their own levels accordingly. Student takes the Placement Test after signing up Turkish School, and continues learning the lessons of his level. Users can not start the education without taking Placement Test.
Contents Based on Levels
The content of Turkish School is developed considering the language levels and the language skills. The contents and the activities of each unit have been developed in accordance with the units and the level of the student.
The contents are prepared in accordance with each unit so that users will not get bored with learning Turkish and they can easily practice what they have learned. The contents of the units are enriched with extra materials. Audio and written stories appropriate to the levels contribute to users’ learning and allow them to improve their vocabularies.
The content of Turkish School has been created in accordance with Common European Framework of Reference for Language, and the exams are based on the language criteria. Exams or such activities enhance learning. Student receives Level Certificate of Turkish School after accomplishing the units of his level. Or after receiving Level Certificate of Turkish School, he is directed to International Turkish Test (UTT), which is internationally valid, with his “UTT Discount Voucher” so that he can receive a certificate depending on his level.
UTT is an exam which is made on a computer and consists of five main sections. This exam tests individuals’ “Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing and Grammar” skills. There are questions related to each skill, and certificates are prepared in accordance with Common European Framework of Reference for Language.